5 Things To Consider Before Your New Office Fitout
The greatest expense that you will face as a company in Melbourne is of fitting a new office. It is hence very important that you pick the right thing in the very beginning, taking in consideration everything, including the first feel of the office and its available facilities.
Another crucial aspect of commercial office fitouts in Melbourne is its planning and designing. You must be sure of where what and how it should be done, such that your office space is utilised to the maximum, and the design compliments it.
Planning is, however, the most important part of such projects. It is only when the space is well-planned that both you and your employees feel stress-free, and the clients appreciate it.
Before you go for office fitouts head straight, talk to an office designer in Melbourne and here are 5 points that you must consider:
The first question that you must ask yourself is the purpose of the space. Think of all the practical requirements of the office, and the greater task-specific picture. Create an image in your mind of what you think it should come out to be, such that both the clients and the employees are happy.
Budget plays the most crucial role in a business, hence, once you have your visual plan ready, determine your budget. Question yourself of if the space is your permanent occupancy, or are you going to shift. This will influence the design, structural scope and the budget of your project.
Agility of the Workstations
The number of firm embracing flexible workstations has increased rapidly over the years. Hot desks, static workstations, height adjustable office desks are a few examples of such workstations. To decide if this style suits you or not, it is important for you to determine the type of your employees; part-time, full-time, mobile, long sitting hours or a combination. Keep in consideration both your current and long-term vision.
Sync with your brand identity
Your office must be a reflection of your vision, mottos, ideas, values, culture and desired outlook for the clients. Your office design must also be an extension of your advertising and marketing collateral; i.e. your client must get the same impression of your company when walking into the office, as when viewing your website. It is best to involve your marketing team in the designing process because they know the company the best.
The best design is the one which reduces wanted noise, and minimizes the frustration of the employees, especially in the open plan offices. Create a quiet place in your office for the extra focused ones, and also a breakout space for the collaborative work.
Initially, the planning part might seem to be the most daunting of all processes, but once it is done successfully, the results can be really mesmerizing.
Don’t forget to hire a professional to help you because a DIY-spree will not help you sail through. Look out for experienced office fitouts Melbourne companies like IC Corporate to help you get the office of your dreams, with just the right visual appeal, and equal comfort for the employees. For happier employees, productive work and a pleasant and safe environment, just plan a little!